Sunday, November 11, 2012

Patrick Warburton

I have been watching alot, and I mean alot of Rules of Engagement on Netflix the last couple of weeks, and I now need every one to realize that Patrick Warburton should be the voice for...everything.  Now just in case you do not know him from Rules of Engagement, he also voices the character Joe on Family Guy.  He has such a deep voice that it would be recognized everytime someone hears it and they would wanna listen, I would buy anything that he wanted me to, because of his voice, I think it has that kind of affect.  What really convinced me is when I rode the Soarin Over California ride at Disneyland in college and he was the Captain of our trip, my trust was completely his when he spoke, I just felt like nothing was going to happen in his capable hands, and yes I do know he was not really the captain.  I am just saying if companies want to sell more products they need to get Patrick Warburton to be the voice of that brand.  It'll work, trust me, but more importantly, trust his voice.

Just listen

Top 7 Adam Sandler Movies

I know it has been a while since I posted, maybe almost a year, but Im back and I thought I would hit you with a little something different than usual.  I am like an onion, I have many layers, and sports is just one of them, I mean it is a big thick layer though.  But anyway...enjoy!

I cant say that Adam Sandler is the best actor to have ever graced the big screen, but he is still one of my favorites.  He is hilarious, and he reinvents himself in every movie that he does.  I was going to do a top 10 list but it seemed to long.

7. Grown Ups
I just re watched this movie a couple weeks ago and it gets funnier every time I see it.  Movie goers love to see drama, its probably the number one reason people see movies, to see something happen.  I would classify this move as a one where that does not happen, nothing really bad happens.  The whole movie is pretty much about five friends that get together after a funeral and rag on each other for three days.  I think it was really refreshing to just have a freaking hilarious movie with really no conflict to speak of.  Oh and did I mention the all star cast, Sandler of course, Kevin James, Rob Schneider, Chris Rock and David Spade, this should make you wanna see the movie without even knowing what its about.  And for every males viewing pleasure, Salma Hayek plays Sandlers wife so there is some eye candy for everyone.

6. Funny People
When most people think of Adam Sandler movies, this one probably is not in the forefront of everyone's mind.  I definitely do not think it was as popular as most of Sandler's movies, but that does not mean it is not a great movie.  This is another film where Sandler gets to showcase his range as an actor.  While the movie is about a stand up comic and his apprentice, it definitely has a sad or dramatic undercurrent to the whole flick. Seth Rogan is great in this movie and plays really well off Sandler.  When you see Sandlers spiral and fall in this movie, due to cancer, its hard to not feel for his character and what he is going through.

5. Anger Management
This movie is so good even my mom liked it, and she really is not an Adam Sandler fan, not even a little.  Now it may be that she really thinks that Jack Nickolson overshadows Sandlers performance but either way I will take it.  I do not get many victories.  This is another movie where Sandler plays a very unassuming and shy person, but once again he pulls it off very well.  There are many quotable lines in this movie and I love it. Retard your anger! Its retarted, Im retarted.  This is one of my favorite lines ever, me and my friends quote it all the time.  Nicholson does a great job in this movie, like he does in every one of his films, but for me its his most memorable.  I know most people would say its the Shining, or A Few Good Men, but I think it sticks with me because this is one of the first movies I have seen him be funny.  He can pull off crazy, I think we all know that, see the aforementioned Shining, but he can pull off crazy/funny really well.  And with the plethora of cameos like Bobby Knight, John McEnroe, and John C Reilly this movie is hilarious and a must see for...anyone.  

4. I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry
It is not just Jessica Biel that makes this movie so awesome, but its alot of it.  Kevin James and Adam Sandler are a great uhh "couple" in this movie.  I love Sandlers New York accent in this movie, it adds so much even though it may not be a great one.  The plot of this movie brings up so many things especially in a time when the gay issue has really been a hot topic in the last few years.  I think it was a perfect time for this movie to be made, and this issue to be brought up into the main stream media. And that is another reason for such the high ranking on my awesome list, plus...Jessica Biel.  Ving Rhames plays a very convincing gay firefighter, and he definitely adds the movie.  I love when actors can play say like a zombie killer to a gay firefighter, its awesome.  I watch this movie ever week, and I really do not see myself slowing down in the near future.

3. Mr Deeds    
I absolutely love this movie! It is dumb, really has no plot but I cannot stop watching it.  It is also one of my roommates favorites as well.  Sandler plays a regular joe from a small hick town and somehow inherits 40 billion dollars.  I mean what could you do with 40 billion dollars?  If this movie does not make you think about all the possibilities of how to answer that question, well then there is something wrong with you.  The funny part of this movie is that even though he has all this money, he still acts exactly like he did before he became a hick.  He tries to act like a rich guy, learning to play tennis, running the football team, meeting with for investors.  But still carries his small town crazies; like eating at Wendy's, hugging whenever he has done something wrong, it really is quite the contrast.  The one liners that are in this movie are easy to remember and hilarious and by themselves make it worth the watch.  Actually I think I will watch it tonight, again.    

2. Happy Gilmore
Who does not love a funny sports movie, especially golf?  One of the reasons this movie is so high on my list is because Bob Barker, of The Price is Right, literally beats the crap out of Sandler, it is hilarious to see old wrinkly Barker kick butt.  But some of the other reasons include midget on a bike, a gator, golf with a hockey stick, and Tubbs.  The funniest part of this movie is the utter lack of respect that Sandler shows to the game of golf and the rules.  When he asks bystanders to clap while he hits, throwing his clubs all over the place, swearing like a sailor, it is hilarious.  Did I mention that Bob Barker beats someone up?  And who has not tried the whole running up from behind the golf ball and trying to hit it 400 yards down the fairway and putting with a hockey stick.  Also who has not tried jumping in front of the batting cage pitcher and taking one in the stomach.  I mean c'mon that is awesome right.

1. Billy Madison
Ok, seriously, who does not love this movie more than anything else?  The utter stupidity of it, the teenage jokes, the awful hyena laugh, it all comes together into of the best terrible movies ever.  I really do feel like a teenager again whenever I watch this movie, and like many other Sandler movies, has probably the most quotable moments of any movie, ANY!  I mean just listen to the plot; a kid with a wealthy father skids by until he has to go back to school, I mean every grade, starting at 1st, and go all the way up through high school.  Does that not scream hilarity?  And if you have not seen this movie, then watch it, and you will have the biggest crush on the teacher.  And the musical number in the movie is hilarious, after watching the movie just a few times you will have the words memorized.  Sandler is at his best playing the dumb uninspired barely 20 year old idiot, it is amazing to watch.