Saturday, July 10, 2010

NBA Free Agency

The last week in the NBA has been crazy to say the least. And the NBA has changed for the next few years anyway. As many of you have heard, the Miami Heat won the free agency competition, if you can call it that, by signing three superstars who are at the top of their games. Dwayne Wade, who has been favorably compared to Michael Jordan, Chris Bosh, who will give you 20-10 night in and night out, and LeBron James, arguably the most athletic and dominate player in the game right now. But in the last few days there has been so much talk about if this is enough for the Heat to win a championship, since they have three superstars making pretty much the maximum amount they can, doesn't leave the Heat much money to sign players to build around "The Trio". Now I do not agree with this at all, these three I think, can win a championship next year. They have the talent to win, they can play defense, obviously they can score, and even if the Heat just put a few players around them with any trace of talent, they are going to win. Just look what Wade did with the Heat last year when they basically had no talent, he single-handedly took them to the playoffs, and now with this talent they easily can win it all.

I did not watch the LeBron special when he announced his intentions to play in South Beach. But from what I have heard some consider it a success, while some thought it was just a publicity stunt to get The King more TV time. I tend to think along with the latter, it was an hour special, proceeded by a three hour SportsCenter. Three hours! to talk about the same topics, make the same predictions, and talk to the same guests over and over again. So James had an hour special for a decision that would literally take 15 seconds to announce. The word before the special was that he would announce in the first ten minutes, but from what I have read it took him almost half an hour to do it. This to me screams attention more than just letting people know where you are gonna play basketball. Bill Simmons, the NBA Sports Guy, wrote a great article about this topic, and I tend to agree with him Link.

This is a giant turning point for the NBA, it could really booster the reputation of the league back up again, or people could lose more interest because it is starting to look like baseball, with certain teams becoming like the Yankees. It also is up to the NBA brass to try as hard as they can to make sure the league does feed off this next year, and they try and boost the leagues image.

And I just wanna say that before this I was on the Miami bandwagon, so I am not just jumping on now, I was already on, because I think Dwayne Wade is the best player in the league, but we will see what happens, this is going to be an interesting year for the NBA.

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