Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Am I Doing Out Here

These were the words that Brett Favre uttered to himself while once again lying on the ground after a 300 pound lineman took him to the turf. As a Vikings fan, I do not want to hear words like this coming from my quarterback, no matter how much i dislike him. I am a Vikings fan through and through no matter who is my quarterback...even Brett Favre. But having said that it is time for Brett "Flip Flop" Favre to take a permanent vacation away from the NFL, before he dies. I have not watched a Vikings game for the last three weeks because I cant stand that Brett Favre is not playing because he loves the game anymore, he wants to play so he can prove to everyone that despite his age, injuries, and stupidity, that he still gives the Vikings there best chance to win. This is garbage, he can barely move, every time he gets hit it takes about an hour for Favre to pull himself off the turf. It just kills me to see him throw interception after interception because he does not know when to just take the sack and hold onto the ball. Let me speak to Brett Favre himself, your time is up old man, you keep holding on hoping that you will have one game that will make up for the crap you have put us through the last year and a half, well guess what its not gonna help, your washed up and need to realize it. Go spend some time with your hot wife and daughter and let this franchise move on.

Now that I have destroyed Brett Favre, let me convince everyone why Tavaris Jackson needs to be the starter...because HE GIVES US THE BEST CHANCE TO WIN, not Favre. Let's start with the fact that he is almost half Favre's age. He is young and mobile, much more less susceptible to injuries, and wont crumble to the turf after every hit. In 2008 when T-Jack had the opportunity to start 8 games he ended that season with 1000 yards, 9 touchdowns, and 2 interceptions, but immediately got shoved to the back when The Relic came to town. I don't think Jackson has gotten his chance to shine in the NFL yet, he has so much potential and his ceiling is high. The Viking fans love Tavaris, especially when he running down the field because they know Favre couldn't and wouldn't do that.

It is time for a change in Minnesota, Favre had his fun, ruined me as a fan, and now needs to move on and leave us alone. I dont know how Packer fans put up with this for so long...

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