Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Life As We Speak

This is a post not so much relating to sports, I know I said this blog was gonna be all about sports, but hey I am not one dimensional, like Donkey says, I am like an onion I have many layers, sports is just a really thick layer. But it will still be interesting, cause its about me obviously.

Since about January until about a week ago, I was in a rut/funk or whatever noun you want to use for this word. I had just recently gotten back to Washington after finishing up an internship in Arizona. I really loved it down there and I tried my hardest find a job so I could stay and live down there. But despite my best efforts, the economy has hit especially hard down there so I was not able to get a job. During my last few weeks down in Arizona I had been talking to my buddy Jeff and he said that if I cant get a job down there that he could get me a job working for a company called Center Partners in Spokane and that he also had a apartment and was looking for a third roommate, so to me this sounded like a great deal, little did I know, but we will get to that later.

So I made the harrowing trip back up to Washington, luckily my little brother flew down to Arizona and drove back with me. When I got back to Washington and lived with my parents for a while, the first thing I did was fill out an application to work at Center Partners as a Sales Agent. I knew a little about the company but not a lot. I had an interview set up for about a week and a half later in Spokane, and also on this trip I was going to take a look at the apartment I was going to be renting. The interview process was pretty easy and I was reasonably confident that I would get the job and they let me know that day that I did. So at least that part was out of the way. I also went and looked at the apartment and it was awesome and cheap.

Anyway I started working for Center Partners in the middle of January. The first 2 weeks of work were all training and I quickly realized the first day that I might be in over my head because if anyone knows me I am not what you would call a people person, and thats really what this job is is talking to people. My job was to take incoming calls from people who wanted to set up service with T Mobile, which may sound easy but more than half of people who call in arent trying to set up service, they have other questions and it was our job to try and sell them something using the ruse that we could save them some money. I am not good at this kind of thing, so it was really hard for me to want to go to work, or even want to do well at my job. This was the start of slip into a funk, it was this job that started me down the slippery slope. I was not happy at work, and my schedule was 2 in the afternoon until 10 at night, which made it so I could never really do anything during the week and I never saw my roommates until the weekend. It was a very lonely time as well because I only ever saw people at work, and not my friends. The first day I got hired I started looking for a new job, and I looked everyday, thats not an exaggeration at all, every day.

Through all of this I have also been having money troubles so that has not made it any easier for me when I have to worry from paycheck to paycheck. All these factors put together really put me into a rut which I am not accustomed too. I was never in a really good mood, and just didnt like where my life was at.

Fortunately in the last few weeks things I think have started to take a turn for the better. My obsessive job hunting finally paid off because I found and got a job with the city of Liberty Lake working on their "Parks Crew", which means I am able to work outside and with my hands, and most importantly not deal with stupid people who have no idea how to be successful in life. This job is really more suitable for me and I have already seen a change in my attitude for everyday. I am tired at the end of every day but I think that is a good thing, because that means I accomplished something, when I can step back and say I did that.

I am glad that I did not give up because I may have been stuck in that job for a long time if I didnt have the motivation to look for another job, but thats how bad it was, immediately I started looking. But anyway, my life is now on the upswing, and right now I couldnt be happier, that is all.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you found a job that you like and it gives you feeling of accomplishment. Have a good day!
