Thursday, February 28, 2013

College Recruiting

College football recruiting is about to undergo a drastic change... and not for the better.  As of August 1st of this year recruiting rules are changing so that college coaches and contact recruits as much as they want.  Apparently this is the NCAA's response to the ever growing social media fads.  You can read the specifics and some coaches reactions here Link.  The NCAA did this so they could focus on other more important issues, but I feel like this is an important issue, the NCAA needs to looks at what they are promoting with this new proposal.

To me this is promoting the wrong idea to potential recruits about the NCAA and how they view recruits.  The main goal for a high school student is to graduate with good grades and to develop relationships with people their own age.  Now with these new rules recruits will spend even more time than they do now reading emails, opening mail, checking their Facebook page all to see what kind of contact they got from what coach that day.  As if they are not busy enough already from the correspondents they get already from coaches, it will easily be at least 10x more now.  High schoolers need to focus on academics, or even getting a college football scholarship will not matter because they fail classes and do not graduate.  Just imagine a recruit sitting down to do his math homework that would normally take a half hour.  But after they sit down they get an email or text message from a college football coach every five minutes, it suddenly take over an hour to do homework.  And how can you concentrate on homework when every few minutes your attention is drawn to something completely unrelated to school work.

Another drawback is that now that there is no restrictions, bigger budget schools like Notre Dame, USC, Florida, Alabama are going to hire people not even related to football to send out brochures, flyers, portfolios, to send out texts messages and emails.  Athletic departments are going to increase in size just because schools are going to hire grunts to do all the manual laborer.  Which can be a good thing and a bad thing, it creates more jobs, but its a job that is ruining the future.  These new laws are also going to widen the recruiting gap that already exists between the big budget schools and the schools that do not receive much funding.  The more money a school has to buy people and to recruit, they better recruits they are going to get, it is pretty simple.

It will be really interesting to see what happens the first year these laws are in existence, and what the reactions will be from college coaches, because so far the vote seems to be split down the middle.

One more thing about college football recruiting, the NCAA needs to pass a law that makes it wrong for coaches to offer a scholarship or even contact a player before their junior year in high school.  kids that are 14-15 years old do not need to worry about where they are going to play college football, they are not or are barely into high school.  Another way this can go is if a college football coach sees a kids highlights when he was 15 and offer him a scholarship, and then that same players does not do as well as planned, and the coach takes away his offer, is that not going to devastate that kid, especially the younger they are.  This seems wrong.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Let me start off saying that I have started and restarted Insanity maybe like six times now.  The longest I stayed with it was my first try back in September when I was training to do the Tough Mudder at the end of September.  I made it through a month and a half out of two.  And once the Mudder was over I needed to recover and that pretty much put the kibosh on that run.  And for the last five months I have started over and over again and never held onto it for more than a few weeks.  There is always some excuse for me to stop...I get injured, I skip a day and then it turns into two days, I get busy and do not have time.  I need to figure out how to get on a schedule and get the two months done because if I do it will be a great moment in my life.

Besides the health benefit of Insanity, I want to finish it because of the sense of accomplishment, one of the main reasons I did the Tough Mudder last year.  I was not the fastest person to finish, but I tried all the obstacles whether I did them or not, and I have never felt better after finishing something.

Let me say that if you want to loose weight fast, Insanity is it.  The first month the videos are about 40 minutes long and by the end you are literally dripping with sweat, which before doing this I had no idea you could sweat that much that fast.  If you stayed in one place the whole video you would have a small lake underneath you.  But one of the things about Insanity is that even afterward when your tired and can barely walk, you feel amazing.  That sense of accomplishment makes the experience absolutely worth it.  Also, it is much easier to do with more that one person.  The motivation you can get from someone even just standing along side you makes so much of a difference, its crazy.

If you watch the commercials that seem to be on TV all the time, you would not think it is as crazy and insane as it seems, but it is.

Friday, February 15, 2013

NBA All Star Weekend

It is now time for me to make my predictions about who wins what during the NBA All Star weekend starting today.  The NBA decides to make their All Star event a whole weekend, unlike other professional sports where it is usually just one single game.  Events on Friday include the All Star celebrity game and the Rising Stars Challenge.  Saturday is the Shooting Stars event, the skill challenge, three point contest, and the ever popular slam dunk contest.  While Sunday holds the big event, the actual NBA All Star game.  So her we go, my predictions based on hours of research and deep digging, and then threw that out and just guessed.

NBA Celebrity Game
This game may not be the most entertaining to watch because most of the players are very talented basketball wise, but it is funny to see them try and play like NBA players.  Kevin Hart is a name that stands out, he was MVP last year even though he did not really deserve it.  He was outplayed by a teammate Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, who if he had played the whole game could of had a quadruple-double.  I am also looking at Terrence Jenkins, he looks like a guy that has some skills and athleticism, so he may be a sleeper to watch out for. I look for the East team to take home the trophy because Russell Westbrook is the coach and he will have his team ready to play and intense, just like he is.

Rising Stars Challenge
I really enjoy watching this game because it showcases the up and coming talent in the NBA.  The game used to be the sophomore players against the rookies, but last year they changed it up and mixed the players into both teams.  This is a high flying event much like the much like the actual All Star game, not much defense is all.  Last year Kyrie Irving put on a showcase by not missing a three point shot and dishing out nine assists, finishing with 34 points.  When I look at the rosters, found here Link, I think that Kyrie Irving could repeat as MVP, but Bradley Beal could take that crown from him this year.  But for most dunks, I think that the choice is obvious, Kenneth "The Manimal" Faried.  He is one of the most athletic players in the NBA and can jump over people, so he is hands down my favorite for most and best dunk.

Three Point Contest 
There is a much more going on on Saturday but I think this is and the dunk contest are the only thing worth watching.  Last year had some big names in the event with Kevin Durant and Kevin Love going to the final round.  This year is a little more unknown names, but no less deadly shooters.  When I look at the rosters for both conferences, I think the finals will be down to Steve Novak and Steph Curry, both can shoot lights out from beyond the arc.  If you look at the stats going into the weekend, Novak and Curry have the exact same percentage from three land.  And my prediction is...Steve Novak! After watching this guy shoot three pointers this year, there may be no way that he can lose, I mean check out this highlight reel Link.  This is actually I think going to be a great event because even though Kyle Korver was left out, this field is as strong as I have seen in a while.

Dunk Contest
Besides the actual All Star game, this is the most popular event of the weekend.  People love high flying dunks with what seems like more and more props every year.  Honestly I think the dunk contest is barely worth watching, I mean there are only so many dunks that can be done, and those have probably been done already anyway, hence the reason for more props.  This year the conference pitted against each other with the winner from each conference going against the winner from the other.  The field this year is not especially strong, and also very young.  Which could be good because younger players will have less fear and try harder things, but also could be bad because they are inexperienced.  But when I looked at who was competing the name that stood out to was Kenneth Faried, and yes I have mentioned him before, "The Manimal" which is a very fitting nickname for him.  I hope he just jumps through the hoop with the ball, that would automatically make him win, the man can jump.  Maybe if he jumps "over" a car like Blake Griffin he has a chance...

NBA All Star Game
I hope when Vegas puts the over/under for this game up its over 300 because the total score seems to rise every year as less and less defense is played.  This and the Rising Stars game may be the only thing this weekend that I watch.  Last year was a very popular game because Kevin Durant went home with the MVP trophy, and pretty much everyone likes Durant.  This year I think the only snub was Steph Curry, he is top ten in scoring, and his team is fifth in the west, so I have no idea how he got left off the Western roster.  This is going to be a good game this year, with Lebron playing as well as he has lately he could easily take the MVP trophy this year, especially with his intensity and competitiveness.  But Kobe Bryant will give him a run for his money because he never wants to lose, especially the All Star game, this could be a heck of a game if it is close going into the 4th quarter when the intensity picks up.  You know...when it matters.  Well look for the game to be high scoring, fast paced and so many dunks it will be ridiculous...and awesome.    

Everybody tune in if you have a whole weekend free to watch basketball, it will be entertaining!


Friday, February 8, 2013

This Is What We Like...Parity

In the wake of yet another #1 team losing this week, it is time for me to make my predictions of who the top five teams in college basketball will be at years end.  I heard that this is the fourth week in a row that a number one team has lost.
Personally I think this is great for college basketball.  I think people are getting sick of seeing the same teams at the top every year, the Dukes, the North Carolinas, the Kansas's, we like to see the upstart teams like Michigan this year, or even Indiana.  

So here we go with how I think this will play out in the end, and you do not have to take this is fact, but you may want to...just saying.

#5 Syracuse Orange
Now I know that Syracuse has not been playing as well lately as they can, but I think they still have the talent and defense to finish in the top five.  They are currently ranked ninth, but only have 3 losses and they play in the ever tough Big East.  So if they play well and do not accrue to many losses the rest of the season they have a legitimate shot of making a run at a number one seed again this year.  The zone defense that 'Cuse runs is very annoying to every opponent they play, it is not something teams see everyday and takes a lot of preparation for it because Syracuse runs it so well.  

#4 Michigan Wolverines
I am a fan of the Wolverines this year because they really came out of nowhere at the end of last year and played like they could be a top five this year.  And when I see a team up that high that is not usually there I always root for them to do well.  Michigan has a great mix of older players and young talent and they play very well together.  This team also has a few names that you might recognize on it like Glenn Robinson III, or Tim Hardaway Jr, you know these kids have talent because of their family heritage.  I always wonder about kids with famous parents, are they recruited for their last name or because they actually have talent and want to make their own name in basketball.  Anyway, not to get off topic, Michigan is the sleeper team this year, no one is really aware they are as good as they are, but that will change here in the next little while.

#3 Kansas Jayhawks
I think Kansas gets here thanks to the fact that they play in the Big 12, not the strongest conference in college basketball, and the Jayhawks are by far the most talented team in that conference.  I am not completely cold on Kansas especially recently after losing two in a row to Oklahoma State and TCU, not even close to a basketball school.  But once again because of the lack of good teams in the Big 12 Kansas will be just fine, and will rack up the wins.  The Jayhawks also have one of the better players in the league in Ben McLemore, a very exciting freshman with tons of talent.  
#2 Duke Blue Devils
Duke is a perennial powerhouse in college basketball, so is it a surprise to see their name up this high on the list?  Coach K ( I would put his whole name, but I do not have the time to spell it out) is the most successful coach in history of college basketball so you will see his team up here every year until he is gone.  Duke is a very experienced team, and a very big team, they have many many forwards and only a few guards.  Their size definitely causes match up problems for any team.  With Seth Curry playing as well as he has been so far this year, and with the Plumlee brothers camping down low, as the season goes on Duke is going to be a force to be reckoned with in the tournament, as always.  

#1 Indiana Hoosiers
Cody Zeller, that is all I need to say.  If this kid is not voted player of the year, it will be highway robbery.  He can score, he can rebound, he is a great defender and has the most all around game of anyone in college basketball.  I have watched Indiana play a few times on television and I have really been impressed with their team defense, as well as the individual defense played by Victor Oladipo, he is a lock down defender.  I have wanted Indiana to be an elite program for years now, because they did have a few seasons of mediocrity, and it is sad to see such a storied program down in the dumps for so long, and now they have the right coach to do the job.  The one thing that could keep the Hoosiers from being number one at the end of the season is there schedule, they play five teams in the top 25 before the end of the year, including my number four team Michigan.  But if they do end up beating all these teams, they will deserve to be number one.    

Well there it is, this is what I saw when I looked into my crystal ball I keep hidden away from the public.  I could very well be wrong, I mean look at all the craziness that has gone down already this year and there is still ten games left to go.  But I am taking an educated guess from what I have seen, and in conclusion, it is going to be a fun last few weeks.