Saturday, February 23, 2013


Let me start off saying that I have started and restarted Insanity maybe like six times now.  The longest I stayed with it was my first try back in September when I was training to do the Tough Mudder at the end of September.  I made it through a month and a half out of two.  And once the Mudder was over I needed to recover and that pretty much put the kibosh on that run.  And for the last five months I have started over and over again and never held onto it for more than a few weeks.  There is always some excuse for me to stop...I get injured, I skip a day and then it turns into two days, I get busy and do not have time.  I need to figure out how to get on a schedule and get the two months done because if I do it will be a great moment in my life.

Besides the health benefit of Insanity, I want to finish it because of the sense of accomplishment, one of the main reasons I did the Tough Mudder last year.  I was not the fastest person to finish, but I tried all the obstacles whether I did them or not, and I have never felt better after finishing something.

Let me say that if you want to loose weight fast, Insanity is it.  The first month the videos are about 40 minutes long and by the end you are literally dripping with sweat, which before doing this I had no idea you could sweat that much that fast.  If you stayed in one place the whole video you would have a small lake underneath you.  But one of the things about Insanity is that even afterward when your tired and can barely walk, you feel amazing.  That sense of accomplishment makes the experience absolutely worth it.  Also, it is much easier to do with more that one person.  The motivation you can get from someone even just standing along side you makes so much of a difference, its crazy.

If you watch the commercials that seem to be on TV all the time, you would not think it is as crazy and insane as it seems, but it is.

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