Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Thoughts on the NBA

Since everyone else is starting in on the NBA, I figure I would wade in with both fists and give my opinion of the league nowadays. I absolutely hate the NBA, I used to try and watch every game, but now I always look for something else to watch, even now during the playoffs, I have yet to watch an entire game the whole season. I cannot just sit and watch after every foul the player whine and complain that they didnt do it, I say man up and admit when you did it, raise your hand like a man instead of acting like a kid and protesting. But this is just one of many problems that the NBA needs to figure out before they can get their reputation back. I am not going to say that I didnt complain when I played basketball, but it was not every foul, if I committed a foul I would raise my hand and say it was me. And I did not run toward the referee and get into their face and ask them what they called, I would usually just look at them and shake my head. But as a fan, this type of behavior from "grown" men is embarrassing and annoying.

Another thing that really ticks me off is the lack of defense that is played, and when I say lack, I mean practically never, nonexistent. There was one game back in March when the Phoenix Suns scored 152 points in one game. Does that not strike anyone else as weird, 152 points! Was there anyone even on the floor for the other team? I do enjoy watching college basketball because coaches and players give a crap about playing defense, while coaches in the NBA preach, lets score more points and not worry about stopping the other team. NBA players do not want to waste the energy playing defense when it can all be used on the offensive end. Also the laziness of players is apparent when it seems like every other play is a one player running into another defender, or a charge. I have always believed that if someone has to draw a charge, someone else on the team screwed up. Some one either blew an assignment or just got beat, either, way a charge is a cop out.

I do not even want to go into the amount of flopping that goes on in every game, I was watching part of the last Lakers game, and Derek Fisher, if even touched with a finger will flop and fall over and throw his hands up in the air, its disgusting.

I feel like this post has been a long time coming, I have felt this way for quite a while, but today when I read an article that talks about Kareem Abdul Jabbar and his feelings about the NBA today. The NBA is not something I will watch until they finally fix the problems, it is a league full of cry babies with no sense of accountability, and I cant stand it.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dez Bryant

I want to say that it is about time for everyone to leave Dez Bryant alone. He has gone through so much crap in the last year that has been blown out of proportion by the media, that it is starting to get really annoying. The things he has done arent anything a regualar kid wouldnt do, his are just more noticeable because he is a very talented football player. Lets keep this in mind Bryant is still only 21 years old, he is still maturing and the mistakes he makes should not surprise anyone, he is a kid, we make mistakes.

It all started when in 2009 Bryant lied to the NCAA about a meeting he has with ex NFL players Deion Sanders. It is not so much about the fact that he met with Sanders, but he did get suspended for lying about it here is good link to an article Link Now I know he shouldnt of done this, but lets cut him some slack, its like lying to your parents when after you stole a cookie, you are a kid, you dont know the rules of society, or sports as well as others. Bryant was probably unsure whether he has broken a rule, so he lied about the meeting. This is nothing a normal kid wouldnt do, we all lie, he just catches so much media attention for it. Now I am not saying that he shouldnt be punished for it, but the media needs to lay off him, he is just trying to live his life, and it is hard when you always see your name in the headlines.

Just the other day on ESPN I saw a link that was talking about how his mom in 2009 for selling cocaine Link, so what? What does this have to do with Dez playing football in the NFL. Just because the kid is considered to have "character issues" doesnt mean that anyone that is connected with him is going to affect his life. This just to me seems like the media has decided to pick on Bryant because he hasnt always been the perfect role model. It is just ridiculous what has been said about him, just let the kid live his dream and play football for the Cowboys in the NFL.

NCAA Tournament Expansion

Since this has grown to be a hot topic in the last few months, I thought I would chime in my opinion as well. So the proposal for a while was to expand the tournament from 65 teams to 96 teams, adding an additional 31 teams. I think this would be a terrible idea. For one thing letting 96 teams in will ruin the exclusivity of the tournament, fans would think that every team is in the tournament and it would lose its reputation for being a selective tournament. One other point is the TV coverage for the tournament, if you add an additional 16 games, you will begin to lose viewers because that is just to much basketball. Now I am a college basketball nut, but I think even I would find that a bit to much. Especially because it would be more games of mediocre teams beating up on each other.

So about a week ago the NCAA changed the field to 68 teams, which means that every region is going to have its own play in game. Now, I am just guessing that the play in game, which is the 2 worst teams in the tournament battling to see who will play a 1 seed, has the lowest amount of viewers of every other game in the tournament. But I am not gonna lie, I did watch the play in game this past March, I did say I am basketball nut. But I just dont see this working out well for CBS and the NCAA. This policy change is just putting more games on TV that 12 people will watch ( I am included in that 12), which does not sit well for the advertisers and other programs that are getting the ax for a crappy basketball game. I am all in favor or changing the field back to 64 teams and cutting out the play in game. I mean how is not a slap in the face for the team that wins the game, to go on and play a 1 seed, knowing that never has a 16 seed beaten a 1 seed. I think they would start to wonder why they were in the tournament in the first place.

One Regret

The more time that passes in my life, the more I have come to regret not playing football. I know that sounds like a trivial decision, but I don't think it is. I talked to my mom recently about why I didn't play football, and she said because I wasn't as interested in it as I was baseball and basketball. I then asked her why she didn't push me harder to play, and she gave the typical motherly answer, I didn't want you to get hurt. Which shouldnt surprise anyone, I think it is built into mothers DNA to worry about their children getting hurt.

Now I am not here to brag but I think I would of been a pretty good football player. I know the game better than a lot of people, I am athletic, playing basketball and baseball and pretty much every other sport, and I have the determination and competitive edge that it takes to be a winner. My love for the game has really made me look back and wish that I had played, it really bugs me sometimes that I didn't. I think my life would be completely different if I had, and I would think in a good way. Not just physically but mentally as well. I think that is one of the reasons I love sports, they teach you how to be emotionally tough and most importantly to believe in yourself. Which from what I have seen a lot of people lack, the belief that they can do anything they want.

This semester I have been asked multiple times if I was on the football team, and every time I am asked that, it bugs me that I have to say no. Its not just the aspect of being a well known athlete or famous football player, for me I just love the game, and I do want to play it. Many people wonder why Brett Favre keeps coming back, and as much as I don't like him as a player, he definitely plays because he loves the game. I feel like I would be like that. I study the game, even though I don't play it, and everything I read makes me like it that much more.

And again, I regret not taking the opportunity to play football, a sport I love to watch and learn about, because my life would be different than it is now, and I think for the better.