Monday, May 3, 2010

Dez Bryant

I want to say that it is about time for everyone to leave Dez Bryant alone. He has gone through so much crap in the last year that has been blown out of proportion by the media, that it is starting to get really annoying. The things he has done arent anything a regualar kid wouldnt do, his are just more noticeable because he is a very talented football player. Lets keep this in mind Bryant is still only 21 years old, he is still maturing and the mistakes he makes should not surprise anyone, he is a kid, we make mistakes.

It all started when in 2009 Bryant lied to the NCAA about a meeting he has with ex NFL players Deion Sanders. It is not so much about the fact that he met with Sanders, but he did get suspended for lying about it here is good link to an article Link Now I know he shouldnt of done this, but lets cut him some slack, its like lying to your parents when after you stole a cookie, you are a kid, you dont know the rules of society, or sports as well as others. Bryant was probably unsure whether he has broken a rule, so he lied about the meeting. This is nothing a normal kid wouldnt do, we all lie, he just catches so much media attention for it. Now I am not saying that he shouldnt be punished for it, but the media needs to lay off him, he is just trying to live his life, and it is hard when you always see your name in the headlines.

Just the other day on ESPN I saw a link that was talking about how his mom in 2009 for selling cocaine Link, so what? What does this have to do with Dez playing football in the NFL. Just because the kid is considered to have "character issues" doesnt mean that anyone that is connected with him is going to affect his life. This just to me seems like the media has decided to pick on Bryant because he hasnt always been the perfect role model. It is just ridiculous what has been said about him, just let the kid live his dream and play football for the Cowboys in the NFL.

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